Every beat fuels the bustle – where passion meets the hustle.

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Get ready to ignite the dance floor with “VIP Hustle” by Gautam Dev! This official music video delivers an electrifying fusion of rap, trance, and EDM, blending high-energy beats with lyrics that resonate with the hustler in you. Whether you’re rocking the club or chasing your dreams, “VIP Hustle” is the ultimate anthem for go-getters.

A Closer Look at “VIP Hustle”

The track captures the essence of modern hustle culture with powerful lyrics like:
“I’m rockin’ the club, not what your hands up, hands up.
I’m not in on luck, not what your hands up.”

Gautam Dev’s unique blend of punchy rap verses and entrancing rhythms creates a soundscape perfect for both the dance floor and personal motivation. The vivid imagery of stage lights, roaring crowds, and a relentless pursuit of success mirrors the grind that drives us all.

Song Available

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Special Credits

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Song Available

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VIPHustle #GautamDev #MusicByDev #DevSays #Trance #Rap #Dance #EDM